Highlights of Qualifications:
Major Certifications and Education
- ACE Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist (2009)
- IDEA Elite Level Personal Fitness Trainer (2000)
- AFAA Personal Fitness Counselor (1988)
- IDEA Certified Fitness Instructor (1988)
- Physical Fitness Specialist – Institute for Aerobics Research (1985)
- Director and Founder ENERJOY Health/Fitness Programs Inc. (1983)
- UCONN BS Education, Cum Laude (1978)
- Assisted Isolated Stretching Practitioner
- Breast Cancer Recovery Exercise Programs
- Boot Camp Games for Grownups
- Bosu Integrated Balance Training Specialist
- Cardio Tennis Instructor
- Exercise design for knee and hip replacement
- Exercise for Frail Elders and Seniors
- “Games Galore” program founder for children
- “Guiding Yoga’s Light” Certified
- Health Promotion for Employers
- Integrative Fitness Fellow
- Multiple Sclerosis Exercise Design
- Nutrition and Wellness for Disease Prevention
- Medicine Ball and Kettle Bell Training
- PILATES Mat Class and Power Bands Instructor
- Pre and Post Natal Fitness “Mother Fitness” Program Developer
- Step and Super Step Aerobic Workout Certified
- “Strength Training for Every Body” creator
- Transformational Coaching Certified
- “YOGALATES” class developer and instructor
Personal Trainer
Liz began her fitness career in 1980 when she joined USM’s Lifeline Program as an Aerobic Dance Instructor. She quickly realized her passion for helping others achieve their goals in health and wellness, and she has been enthusiastically pursuing that passion ever since. With over 30 years in the fitness industry, Liz has a wide range of experience designing and implementing programs for ALL populations, including athletic teams, de-conditioned individuals, pre and post-natal women, breast cancer survivors, children, individuals with chronic diseases, seniors, and psychiatric patients. In addition, she has extensive training helping clients combat health issues such as MS, diabetes, cardiovascular and/or pulmonary issues, metabolic and musculoskeletal problems.
Liz is proficient in various styles of individual and group fitness instruction, including rehabilitation programs, Step/Pilates, Strength Training, YogaLates, “Boot Camp games”, Intervals and Chair Fitness. In her spare time, Liz enjoys being with her family, working in her gardens, skiing, and competing on the tennis court. Join her for a workout, tap into her knowledge, and let her enthusiasm rub off on you too!