Foreside Fitness and Tennis congratulates Hans Römer on receiving the USPTA New England 2014 “Regional Pro of the Year” Award! Maine’s only USPTA Master Professional Hans Römer received the prestigious USPTA New England 2014 “Regional Pro of the Year” Award at the annual USPTA New England Spring Conference in Norwich, CT earlier in May 2015.During the […]
Month: May 2015
Mighty MAINEiacs USTA Tournament
We at FFT are proud and excited to sponsor our first 10 and Under USTA tournament! Directed by Hans Romer, USPTA Master Professional, “Mighty Maniacs” will be on court this Saturday, May 16th.
Memorial Day Weekend
JOIN BOB ROAK MONDAY, MAY 30TH @ 7:30AM For a Circuit Step Class (All Other Classes Canceled for the Day!) Memorial Day Open Gym Hours: 5:30 am – 1:00 pm Our Summer Hours will also begin Memorial Day weekend, starting Saturday, May 28th. Monday – Thursday 5:30 am – 8:00 pm Friday […]
Mighty Maniacs USTA Tournament
Foreside Fitness &Tennis along with USPTA/PTR Master Professional Hans Römer are pleased to be hosting the “Might Mainiacs” a USTA little league event.
New Yoga/Pilates Fusion Class
Join us Tuesday, May 19th at 6:00 am for a Yoga/Pilates Fusion class with Bob Roak!