Fitness Tip of The Month
March 2016
#5 New Years Resolution Check in
Three months out from New Years is a good time to check in on how our fitness resolutions are faring. The bad news is that, if you are like most Americans, you may be off track. The good news is that spring is the perfect time to begin again … this time more realistically.
I have coached extremely busy people for many years. Here are a few key tips that keep them committed to their fitness routine.
- Put yourself first! Not your job, your family, your failing parent’s health … but you. Unless you prioritize yourself and your own well-being, no real lasting change can be made. List the reasons why it’s okay to prioritize yourself and read them daily. Remember: being healthy equates to being happier and healthier and these feelings enhance our patience, perspective and relationships.
- No Shame, No Excuses! Many of us are paralyzed by a circle of shame and excuses. We are embarrassed that we have fallen off track or we make excuses for why it has happened. Put it aside. Start where you are, stop beating yourself up, accept it and move forward.
- Set yourself up for Success! 73% of people fail to reach their New Year’s Resolutions. Why? We want big changes so we set unrealistic goals. Set yourself up for success
- Celebrate Along the Way! Celebrate each successful workout/week. And, remember your daily self talk. Amplify the positive and don’t let any minor setbacks derail you this spring.
Setting yourself up for success:
Start with small, realistic goals! The 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults (18-64) should perform 150 minutes/week of moderate-intensity exercise. Maybe you start with 20 minutes of walking 3x/week. Once successful, you will want to keep going.
Enlist the support of others, such as a challenge buddy or a walking partner. Being accountable to a friend waiting for you is a great motivator!
Plan ahead! Set the alarm, pack the gym bag and put your workout in your planner as an appointment you can’t miss.
Make it fun! Let’s face it. If it isn’t fun, we probably won’t stick with it. Try a new class, join a walk/run group, create a new music playlist, or find a new park to explore.
Find Motivation & Set a Goal! Find a reason to stick to your goal that is meaningful to you. Whether it is fitting into a new pant size, finding inspiration from those less fortunate, finishing your first 5k with your co-workers or riding your bike with your grandkids.
Track Your Progress! Accomplishments are motivating.